Friday, March 27, 2015

hello i'm rose

when nelson said we were revealing ourselves last week my stomach dropped 

i've been hiding behind roosevelt lee 

its become my security net 

i mumble a lot 


i'm quiet 

those two don't go together well 

i get a lot of "what?" 


i see a lot of the outside of circles rather than the inside of circles 

i see a lot of head nods and "yaaaaa" 

but here i didn't need to worry about how loud my voice was 


how clear i was talking


if they even wanted to hear my opinion 


what i had to say 

i just got to write what came to my mind 


it felt good 

i like history, hence the name Roosevelt, but it also sounded good

i like my family more than most teenagers or people in general do, hence the name lee.

 its my grandma's middle name, my mom's middle name, and mine

i don't know how to introduce myself 


i'll start with what my family calls me 

my brothers call me ken

my mom calls me kenna girl

my dad calls me ken ken

my instagram, twitter and anything else you need a username for is kennadarling 

and well everyone else seems to call me kenna
but my full name is mckenna lee bland 

but here

i'm roosevelt lee 


  1. ahhhh I love your blog!!! you're amazing. the beginning of this was spot on.

  2. The part about the inside of circles vs the outside of circles. And how everyone calls you something different.

    You're anything but bland.

  3. My good gracious I love you kenna! You're such a wonderful writer and I hope you never stop writing! The way you write makes me feel so much happier and if you stop I would consider violence.

  4. *crowd goes wild*
    Kenna your my favorite.

  5. Kenna you're awesome! Please keep writing :)

  6. i knew this was you. I watch you from afar, not in the creepy way but i admire you.

  7. an amazing blog

    even more amazing person
